How To Prepare & Have Difficult Conversations With Your Kids
Difficult conversations are a staple of parenting teens and tweens. You can try to avoid them, but the efforts are futile and if you do happen to be able to avoid them then you miss out on the biggest guiding moments you have with your children.
But, WHAT can we do when emotions are high, voices are loud, accusations are running around the room like 2 year olds on a sugar high?
In this episode we go through 5 easy to remember points in order to prepare and have these conversations and walk away with an action plan to move whatever the situation is… forward!
About the Host:
Nellie Harden is a wife of 20+ years, mom to 4 teen/tween daughters, dreamer, adventurer, servant, multipreneur, forever student, and a devoted teacher, but her ride-or-die passion is her work as a Family Life Coach & Mentor.
Coming from a career background in marine mammal sciences, behavioral work, and a host of big life experiences, both great and not some not so great, she decided that designing a life of purpose and freedom was how she and her husband, along with their 4 daughters, wanted to live.
Her work and passions exist in the realms of family and parent mentorship because she believes that a family filled with creativity, fun, laughter, challenge, adventure, problem-solving, hugs, good food, and learning can not only change a person’s life but is the best chance at positively changing the world.
She helps families build Self-Led Discipline™ & Leadership Into their homes, sets their children up for a wildly successful life on their terms, and elevates the family experience with big joy, palpable peace, and everyday growth!
With a lifelong passion and curiosity in thought, choice, behavior, and growth she has found incredible joy in helping families shift perspective, find answers, and a path forward.
(Nellie has been coaching families for over 10 years and has degrees in Biology, Animal Behavior and Psychology. )
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Hello and welcome to the 6570 family project
Nellie Harden:podcast. If you are a parent of a tween teen or somewhere on the
Nellie Harden:way, this is exactly the place for you. This is the playground
Nellie Harden:for parents who want to raise their kids with intention,
Nellie Harden:strength and joy. Come and hear all the discussions, get all the
Nellie Harden:tactics and have lots of laughs along the way. We will dive into
Nellie Harden:the real challenges and raising kids today how to show up as
Nellie Harden:parents and teach your kids how to show up as members of the
Nellie Harden:family and individuals of the world. My name is Nellie Hardin,
Nellie Harden:big city girl turns small towns sipping iced tea on the front
Nellie Harden:porch mama, who loves igniting transformation in the hearts and
Nellie Harden:minds of families by helping them build selfless discipline
Nellie Harden:and leadership that elevates the family experience. And sets the
Nellie Harden:kids up with a rock solid foundation, they can launch
Nellie Harden:their life on all before they ever leave home. This is the
Nellie Harden:6570 family project. Let's go Hello, everyone, and welcome to
Nellie Harden:another episode of the 6570 a family project podcast where we
Nellie Harden:are putting aside our power struggles and finding the path
Nellie Harden:to lead our young women toward confidence, wisdom and respect
Nellie Harden:that they need in order to prepare them for the great big
Nellie Harden:world out there. And today we're talking about a big topic
Nellie Harden:because when we are talking, uh, many of you have children that
Nellie Harden:are between nine and 18, many of you have young women that are
Nellie Harden:between nine and 18. And as you know is the parent or you're
Nellie Harden:getting close to that time. There are a lot of really
Nellie Harden:difficult conversations that have to happen with our kids
Nellie Harden:during that time. Whether it is about school, whether it is
Nellie Harden:about future plans, whether it is about relationships,
Nellie Harden:friendships or intimate relationships that they're
Nellie Harden:having, whether it is about some judgment calls that they made
Nellie Harden:some decisions that they made, there's a lot of maybe sibling
Nellie Harden:rivalries, maybe some attitude problems, or you the list is
Nellie Harden:endless, honestly, and there are really difficult conversations
Nellie Harden:that needs some preparation, it you just can't go into these
Nellie Harden:conversations blindly, you can't go in without a plan, because
Nellie Harden:they can turn sideways or sour really, really quickly. And so I
Nellie Harden:want to give you just five quick points today in our time
Nellie Harden:together of how to prepare and have difficult conversations
Nellie Harden:with your kids. So if you have some pen and paper, definitely
Nellie Harden:jot these down. And if you're listening in the car, just
Nellie Harden:listen intently, and then maybe you can recall them later or
Nellie Harden:listen to this. Again, it'll be short and sweet. So that we can
Nellie Harden:really get to the heart of the matter with these five points
Nellie Harden:that we're going to talk about today. So So number one, we want
Nellie Harden:to stay calm. So I had all of these start with C so you guys
Nellie Harden:can it's easier for our brains to hold on to. So number one is
Nellie Harden:calm. You don't want to go into a difficult or heavier
Nellie Harden:conversation. When you are not calm and you're all wound up.
Nellie Harden:You have a lot of emotions that are flooding, you have a lot of
Nellie Harden:ambiguity and your emotions and feelings that are happening and
Nellie Harden:you don't have a lot of clarity. So as the parent, you really
Nellie Harden:want to come into these conversations with as much
Nellie Harden:clarity as possible. So calm is definitely the state of mind
Nellie Harden:that you want to be in many people if it is your thing, and
Nellie Harden:you do that pray before you go into these conversations.
Nellie Harden:Because you want to have a solid state that you are standing on a
Nellie Harden:solid foundation and not just be willy nilly and you know arms
Nellie Harden:flailing the emotional equivalent of one of those wind
Nellie Harden:socks with the arms flailing right? We don't want to go into
Nellie Harden:a conversation like that. And actually, if there was an
Nellie Harden:altercation or something happening, one thing that you
Nellie Harden:can do before the conversation is have that letter written and
Nellie Harden:I won't get into many details of that that was all in Episode 28
Nellie Harden:that had to do with the written word and how to use letter
Nellie Harden:writing as a form of bringing clarity to a difficult situation
Nellie Harden:or a high emotional situation. So sometimes you have those
Nellie Harden:letters going in, which brings such great insight as to what
Nellie Harden:you can talk about in these conversations. But sometimes you
Nellie Harden:do sometimes you don't but definitely go back and listen to
Nellie Harden:episode 28. If you have not already. But calm is our first
Nellie Harden:one.
Nellie Harden:Secondly, you want to construct a plan. And I am not saying that
Nellie Harden:we need to go into In fact, I'm definitely recommending you
Nellie Harden:don't go into these conversations in a robotic
Nellie Harden:fashion, right. But you do want to have some specific goals and
Nellie Harden:keep it very simple. You don't want to go in there and say, I
Nellie Harden:need to know about this, this, this, this, this, this and this,
Nellie Harden:right, that's way too many things for one conversation. And
Nellie Harden:if the conversation lasts too long, you're going to lose them,
Nellie Harden:or you're going to lose your temper, or both right? Or
Nellie Harden:they're going to lose their temper, right. So you want to
Nellie Harden:have some very specific goals, I want to know, you know, we need
Nellie Harden:to figure out this one thing here, we need to figure out why
Nellie Harden:this one thing happened, we need to figure out what we're going
Nellie Harden:to do about this one thing, right? So if you can have one,
Nellie Harden:maybe two things that you are having this conversation about,
Nellie Harden:that would definitely be ideal. And another part of having this
Nellie Harden:construction, part of the of this difficult conversation
Nellie Harden:before you even have them is if you have a spouse, do this
Nellie Harden:construction part with your spouse. The worst thing, one of
Nellie Harden:the worst things that can happen when you're in these difficult
Nellie Harden:conversations, if it's one child, or many of your children
Nellie Harden:and two parents is to have the two parents coming at this
Nellie Harden:conversation with two totally different points of view
Nellie Harden:perspectives, and two different goals and outcomes while you are
Nellie Harden:in the talk. Right? That breeds a lot of animosity between
Nellie Harden:parents and spouses, and just a lot of frustration for the
Nellie Harden:adults, a lot of confusion for the kids. So it's really
Nellie Harden:important that parents get on the same page before you go into
Nellie Harden:have this talk. So that you know what you are looking for, you
Nellie Harden:know the tone that is going to be set. You know what the goal
Nellie Harden:is and how you are going to speak to them about it. Maybe
Nellie Harden:even if one parent is uncomfortable talking about
Nellie Harden:something be like okay, so you're going to take this part
Nellie Harden:and then we'll kind of explore that. Okay, you're going to
Nellie Harden:start us off. Okay, that's great. Depending on your level
Nellie Harden:of organization that you want going in again, we're not
Nellie Harden:putting together an Ikea dresser, we are having a
Nellie Harden:difficult conversation with our with our child or challenging
Nellie Harden:discussion. And sometimes depending on your level of
Nellie Harden:comfortability, I'm not even sure that's a word, but your
Nellie Harden:level of comfortability, you can construct this plan, okay, so we
Nellie Harden:had be calm, right? construct a plan. And then the third one is
Nellie Harden:connect. So now you have actually established connection
Nellie Harden:with them, you've gone into the room, they're down in the living
Nellie Harden:room, you're going on a walk, whatever that is, you want to be
Nellie Harden:at the same eye level as them, okay, you don't want this
Nellie Harden:domineering type mentality, be at the same eye level as them.
Nellie Harden:Come with lots of questions that you might have, you know,
Nellie Harden:prepared with the constructing or just keep asking why? Why is
Nellie Harden:such a powerful word that we can use with our kids, and things
Nellie Harden:like so. Can you tell me more about this? Can you tell me why
Nellie Harden:you chose to do that? Can you tell me why this happened? I
Nellie Harden:want to understand you I want to be here for you. But in order to
Nellie Harden:do that, I have to understand what is going on. I have to
Nellie Harden:understand why. You know this happened. And so lots and lots
Nellie Harden:and lots of questions. When you're going into these
Nellie Harden:conversations, it is much better to listen much, much, much more
Nellie Harden:than you speak. Okay. We have something that we do sometimes
Nellie Harden:it's just called the sharing circle and you sit down and we
Nellie Harden:we have them need a knee right? So if it's two people, it's just
Nellie Harden:crisscross applesauce on the floor, need a knee and so
Nellie Harden:everybody is you know, feeling seen everyone is feeling like
Nellie Harden:the attention. They have the other person's attention.
Nellie Harden:Sometimes I even hold hands with my you know, young ladies as I'm
Nellie Harden:talking with them, especially if they don't want to hold my hands
Nellie Harden:to be honest, because they might be feeling obstinate. They might
Nellie Harden:be feeling like they have this power complex and I want to
Nellie Harden:struggle with you. And if I gently hold their hands not
Nellie Harden:grabbing, not grasping, right, I'm just gently holding their
Nellie Harden:hands as we're need a knee and crisscross applesauce, right?
Nellie Harden:And then it just opens up some layers that would otherwise be
Nellie Harden:built up in front of you, you know, they they put up a brick,
Nellie Harden:you take down two bricks, they put up another one, you take
Nellie Harden:down two more, these walls that they're trying to build around
Nellie Harden:themselves and, you know, understand that they're trying
Nellie Harden:to put those walls around themselves because they don't
Nellie Harden:feel safe and secure. So we need to get them to a place where
Nellie Harden:they feel safe and secure, so that we can actually have this
Nellie Harden:difficult conversation. Right? Okay, so we have calm, we have
Nellie Harden:construct, we have connect, and our next one is communicate.
Nellie Harden:Okay, so in that we really want to validate their thoughts and
Nellie Harden:feelings and stay on track, don't follow the rabbit trails.
Nellie Harden:Remember, we came into this with one, maybe maybe two goals, but
Nellie Harden:really one goal, so stay on track with those goals, right.
Nellie Harden:And understanding that our kids just want to be seen, right.
Nellie Harden:It's that safety and security we talked about with Connect, and
Nellie Harden:they want to be seen, they want to know that they're validated
Nellie Harden:in their feelings in their, in how their emotions are, they're
Nellie Harden:not necessarily validated in their actions, which is probably
Nellie Harden:why you're having this difficult conversation in the first place.
Nellie Harden:Because we are only known by our words and actions. So probably
Nellie Harden:it is their words and actions that have preempted this
Nellie Harden:discussion that you're having. So those are not always
Nellie Harden:validated, but their feelings are validated, right? Because
Nellie Harden:they're their feelings. It's just like you can never
Nellie Harden:unvalidated someone's story, it's their story. So helping
Nellie Harden:them understand that and feel validated, stay on track they
Nellie Harden:want to be seen. And there's some really big ones that you
Nellie Harden:are on the like, do not do list, if you will, number one, do not
Nellie Harden:interrupt, okay? Do not interrupt. Now, if you have one
Nellie Harden:like I have, and she likes to drone on and on and on. And
Nellie Harden:she's literally saying the same thing in different words for 20
Nellie Harden:minutes. I just put up my hand, and I'm just like, Okay, I
Nellie Harden:understand what you're saying here. And you've said it a few
Nellie Harden:different ways. So can I speak and respond to that now? Right?
Nellie Harden:And it's okay to do that. But don't just come in and overlap.
Nellie Harden:They're speaking right? So do not interrupt, do not use the
Nellie Harden:words always and never. And we want to teach them to not use
Nellie Harden:those either, because lo and behold, it will be like, Oh, my
Nellie Harden:sister always does this or you never do this. And that is not
Nellie Harden:the case, right? The always nevers need to come out. And we
Nellie Harden:learned that my husband and I were in a great marriage
Nellie Harden:program, gosh, probably 10 plus years ago, and that was one of
Nellie Harden:the big, big things that they encouraged us to use whenever
Nellie Harden:we're talking is never, never use, always and never. That's
Nellie Harden:it. That's an okay way to use it right there. But when you're
Nellie Harden:talking about someone else's behavior, right, you want to
Nellie Harden:stay away from the always Nevers, because they're
Nellie Harden:definitive, and they cover everything. And it's just, I
Nellie Harden:mean 99.999% of the time, it is not true. If an always never is
Nellie Harden:used. And then the third one is Do not mock. Okay, Do not mock.
Nellie Harden:It can be really hard sometimes, and it can be even a go to
Nellie Harden:sometimes, but really try to stay away from mocking like if
Nellie Harden:they have a big reaction or you're trying to tell them
Nellie Harden:something. And it's easy to mock and I don't know about you, I
Nellie Harden:have never seen you know, a comedian onstage or any, anyone
Nellie Harden:like that or an in person. i What is it a impersonator?
Nellie Harden:Right? That actually gets it. All right. And not to mention
Nellie Harden:the fact that when you're speaking with your son or
Nellie Harden:daughter, and in my case, my daughter, right, the way that
Nellie Harden:she is portrayed on the outside is different than the way that
Nellie Harden:she is being portrayed than the way she thinks she's being
Nellie Harden:portrayed from the inside. You think about it like, like a
Nellie Harden:movie projector, right? So the person that is operating the
Nellie Harden:movie projector in the movie theater is sitting back in a
Nellie Harden:room, and they have this little
Nellie Harden:player doohickey thing. I'm not even sure what it's called, look
Nellie Harden:at my super technical words here. And the image is what
Nellie Harden:maybe two inches in diameter. And then the people in the
Nellie Harden:audience are sitting there and they're seeing this on the big
Nellie Harden:big screen. They have their snacks with them. They have
Nellie Harden:other people with them, right? It's two different perspectives
Nellie Harden:of the same thing. And so when you're mocking and you're saying
Nellie Harden:what is on screen that's not what they're seeing when they're
Nellie Harden:back with the projector. I hope that makes sense. So mocking is
Nellie Harden:something that you should definitely try to stay away
Nellie Harden:from. So those are those big nose again are do not interrupt,
Nellie Harden:do not use always never and Do not mock. And with
Nellie Harden:communication, just validate their feelings and stay there a
Nellie Harden:while right be vulnerable with them, if they have something
Nellie Harden:that they're going through, understand where that's coming
Nellie Harden:from. And you can I guarantee that if they are upset, sad,
Nellie Harden:embarrassed, humiliated, shameful, guilty, right, all of
Nellie Harden:those things have roots, doesn't matter what the circumstances,
Nellie Harden:but those feelings have roots. And I guarantee that you have
Nellie Harden:felt that way with something before, share those share, have
Nellie Harden:them see you as the human, and not just the authoritarian,
Nellie Harden:right, you guys are a team as a family. And so if you can share
Nellie Harden:your vulnerability and and they can see that you understand
Nellie Harden:where they're coming from, it will make things so so much
Nellie Harden:easier, okay. And then lastly, you want to close, and you want
Nellie Harden:to close with love and understanding and a game plan.
Nellie Harden:You do not have to agree, it is not about getting to a place
Nellie Harden:that everyone agrees on everything. And, you know, I
Nellie Harden:agree that I was all wrong, or I you know, you agree that I was
Nellie Harden:all right or anything, we don't have to agree. But you do need
Nellie Harden:to come to a point of understanding and respect,
Nellie Harden:right? Respect the fact that they're going through this, they
Nellie Harden:need to respect the fact that you are also going through
Nellie Harden:something as the parent of them going through something, and
Nellie Harden:that you're taking your time and your mental and emotional and
Nellie Harden:physical energy in order to help them and love them and guide
Nellie Harden:them. So come to a point of understanding and respect at the
Nellie Harden:end. And you need an action step for whatever you came into that
Nellie Harden:difficult conversation with, make sure there's at least one,
Nellie Harden:maybe two, maybe three action steps that you can take. Because
Nellie Harden:if there's not an action step, then there really wasn't any
Nellie Harden:movement forward with that difficult conversation, right?
Nellie Harden:The action step could look like a hug. And I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Nellie Harden:to and let's do better next time. And this is how we're
Nellie Harden:going to do better. If you just say we're going to do better
Nellie Harden:next time, then that's too ambiguous. And it's just put
Nellie Harden:into the let's try trashcan, and nothing really happens, right?
Nellie Harden:But if you put a definitive action on it, like, okay, let's
Nellie Harden:let's work on our relationship a little bit better, let's go to
Nellie Harden:dinner in the movies this week, just the two of us, let's spend
Nellie Harden:half hour together on Thursday nights, just the two of us.
Nellie Harden:Let's you know, or, or if it's someone else, if this
Nellie Harden:conversation was about something else, like let's do something
Nellie Harden:about that, but put a definitive action on that close. And again,
Nellie Harden:if it's for you pray it out. So again, just to go through those
Nellie Harden:it is stay, get and stay calm, come into it calm, right?
Nellie Harden:construct a plan, keep it simple. Make sure you're on the
Nellie Harden:same level and same ideas of your spouse, right? Come in with
Nellie Harden:one thing that you want to figure out. You want to connect
Nellie Harden:with lots of questions, you want to communicate, and you want to
Nellie Harden:close. So calm, construct, connect, communicate, and close.
Nellie Harden:So I hope that you've gotten so much out of this today, because
Nellie Harden:lord knows that we have so many difficult conversations that
Nellie Harden:have to come up every day, I have four daughters. And so my
Nellie Harden:daily quota I think is like three of these a day, at least
Nellie Harden:difficult conversations. And once you get the hang of this
Nellie Harden:and once you're like okay, this is what we want to do. I'm calm
Nellie Harden:now. They're calm now. So let's connect, let's communicate.
Nellie Harden:Alright, this is our action step, right? It just becomes
Nellie Harden:this cadence of things that you're going into, but it's a
Nellie Harden:practice. The first time we did this, it we were terrible at it.
Nellie Harden:And now we're much better and we'll get even better after
Nellie Harden:that. So don't think that you have to be perfect. You only
Nellie Harden:have to try. I was just speaking with someone as a guest speaker
Nellie Harden:this morning. And we were talking about how we take all of
Nellie Harden:the good from our, that our parents gave us. But we really
Nellie Harden:also take all of the mistakes that our parents had, and we
Nellie Harden:build on them, especially those mistakes that we see they are
Nellie Harden:not perfect people. They're flawed just like we are and when
Nellie Harden:they when they flawed, they just get up and they do better next
Nellie Harden:time. They apologize and they move on right. And that's what
Nellie Harden:we need to do. Do too You do not need to be perfect, you just
Nellie Harden:need to try. Okay you guys. So we will be back with another
Nellie Harden:episode of the 6570 family project podcast next week and
Nellie Harden:remember guys just keep teaching, keep laughing, keep
Nellie Harden:loving and remember to keep showing up with intention during
Nellie Harden:the 6570 parenthood childhood experience because they need
Nellie Harden:you. Alright everyone, I will talk to you later.
Nellie Harden:Thank you so much for listening today. And I hope you were able
Nellie Harden:to take something from our discussion that you can use to
Nellie Harden:build the foundation of self led leadership in your own family.
Nellie Harden:If you are a parent with children 17 or younger, and
Nellie Harden:especially those around nine and up, I would love to extend an
Nellie Harden:invitation to you to the best club in town. The family
Nellie Harden:architects Club is a private club where intentional parents
Nellie Harden:go that want to love support, connect or reconnect and really
Nellie Harden:truly help guide their kids and teach them how to self lead in
Nellie Harden:discipline and leadership. This is an online community and the
Nellie Harden:you are welcome to it. Parenting is a project and you are the
Nellie Harden:architect of this one. You plan you design and oversee the
Nellie Harden:construction of the beginning of someone else's life. And that's
Nellie Harden:what goes into these first 6570 days. And it will be the
Nellie Harden:foundation for the rest of their lives. So come join the club.
Nellie Harden:You can find your invitation on the front page of my website
Nellie Harden:Nelly that is n e ll ie H AR di Thank you
Nellie Harden:again for being a part of this conversation today. And if
Nellie Harden:something really resonated with you, or if you have a question,
Nellie Harden:please don't hesitate to connect with me. You can find me on
Nellie Harden:Instagram at Nelly hardens. And lastly, if you love the
Nellie Harden:information, please please leave a five star review and a comment
Nellie Harden:so more and more families can be impacted by harnessing the
Nellie Harden:strength of these ideas and tools in their own families. So
Nellie Harden:thank you so much. Happy building you guys and I'll see